Monday, February 14, 2022

Black History Month: Celebrating the life and legacy of Black Women Educators – Cynthia Williams-Hills


As long as I can remember I have been a teacher as a child, my dolls were my students as I grew older my friends and I played school. Teaching has always been a part of my life with my grandmother being my first teacher and an educator.


When I graduated from high school, I pursued a nursing career after several years of nursing I realized I was not happy. I did not realize that teaching was my calling until my youngest son started childcare and came home crying and unhappy every day. I thought if he is unhappy how many more children come home unhappy at the end of the day, too. In 1998 I opened my first childcare, New Generation Child Care, and realized that I had found my niche. This was what I was created to do, and I loved doing it so much that I would do it without getting paid. Because of my lack of knowledge in the childcare arena I went back to school to gain more knowledge.


In 2009 I completed my BS in Early Childhood from the University of Mount Olive and in 2012 a M.Ed. in Education Specialization Early Childhood from Liberty University.  Please check out the link below and share with your friends of the best childcare facility located in Hillsborough, NC.

1 comment:

  1. Cynthia Williams-Hills: Oh, I remember the evening like it was yesterday during class break I we discussed personal commitment to the field of education for I only want the BEST instructing children/students. You shared professional goals of being an owner/director of excellence high-quality educational experiences for children and their families, mentor staff to see their highest potentials and an educational lobbyist. We have maintained contact for me to see those goals becoming too past by you who is a unique, lovely, strong, successful, beautiful Black woman. Thanks for allowing me to have your story in the series of Black Women Educators.
