Sunday, November 1, 2015

Displaying Student's Interest Topics

Students enter their pre-k classroom with a vast range of interests from personal experiences at home, exploration of classroom materials, and so much more.  They will articulate the topics of interests to classroom teacher or parents will share as part of parent-teacher conversations.  To ensure the interest topics will be addressed (when possible) to record student’s name, topic, and date on post it notes then displayed. 

The teacher can select two or three of the interest topics for the students to vote on for upcoming lesson plan.  After topic is selected, teachers will start collaboration on writing the lesson plan, create materials for circle time discussions, centers, parental involvement activities and so forth.
If you do not offer the students the option to vote because you have set theme topics review the student’s interest to interweave when possible.  After embedded share with individual student that their interest topic is being discussed to validate their thoughts, opinions and interests.

Below are examples of NC pre-k licensed teachers I serve as their evaluator/mentor display of student’s interest topics.  You will also see when students were given the post it note to write their interest topic to post.  NOTE:  The teacher engage the student in conversation to tell him/her about what was written/drawn on the post it note.  Prior to posting on the reverse side teacher will write name, interest and date.  The student’s work is still respected for the contribution to upcoming lesson topics.

After reviewing the photos, I hope you have gained a better insight on displaying and incorporating student’s interest topics.  If you have questions for clarification write in comment section for replies.  Enjoy expanding student’s interest topics embedded in lessons.

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