Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Week of the Young Child – Thursday: Character Social Emotional Development Model


Character social emotional development model provides a framework for community learning classrooms and childcare facility staff at large to integrate  social-emotional development skills in conjunction with character development model they learn about students (Black), cultural (Black) background information, experiences, life habits that contribute to the student’s (Black) overall learning experiences from academic, career and personal success so behavioral actions  will not lead towards Black students being suspended and/or expelled from program. With the implementation of character social emotional development model through inclusion of cultural and linguistic for Black students through incorporating strategies and techniques to increase executive functions of self-regulations, increase prosocial behaviors, reducing inappropriate behaviors with appropriate methods to regain self-control (e.g., yoga, breathing exercises, mindfulness activities) increase social and emotional skills (e.g., being empathetic of others, problem solving skills) and helping Black students self-reflect on how their choices and consequences effect self and others.


Early childhood educators must be knowledgeable of Black culture in planning and implementing culturally and linguistically responsive teaching practices knowing that Black students work together collaboratively as part of culture.  While planning lesson plan activities and experiences incorporate character education (e.g., respect, responsibility, fairness, self-discipline, kindness) learning processes building community learning classroom and program at-large. Select books where main character(s) are Black reinforcing positive character images (mirror) social emotional development which will be read in a participatory manner with dialogue of actions along with incorporating role-plays of situations that may or may not have occurred in community learning environment.  In addition, display supportive posters, books, pictures, and other materials representation of Black people reiterating character education and social emotional development with familiarity of Black culture with students along to engage in conversations on actions relating to personal and family stories.  Early childhood educators continue building positive relationships with Black students through sharing and listening to their experiences highlighting or pointing out character education traits embedded with social emotions skills making connections of the character social emotional development model.


Family engagement is key towards successful actions of Black students.  Early childhood educators and family members are engaged in two-way communication to build on the Black student’s character social, emotional development in ways towards creating positive habits from interpersonal and intrapersonal relations that are reinforced at both home and school.  The relationships are working towards reducing and/or eliminating the potential of suspending and expelling Black students by 3.6 times more likely than their White age peers. 


Character education and social emotional development overlap where the overall goals are for students (Black) to be successful in life moving into adulthood, productive contributing members of the community (i.e., school, neighborhood), being responsible of all actions and critically thinking and problem solving of actions to regain self-control over mind and body (e.g., deep breathing, remove self from situation) and intertwining being a good listener, showing compassion and empathy.   Character social emotional development model is a process where Black students acquire character and social emotional skill goals in becoming responsible productive citizens into adulthood and not a statistic of the cradle to prison pipeline.  

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