Sunday, October 5, 2014

Celebrating Columbus Day with Preschoolers

On Monday, October 13 the United States celebrates Columbus Day.  Educators of preschoolers are looking for developmentally cultural age appropriate activities to write on the lesson plan for the holiday week.  It is important to provide a wide range of activities to expose and challenge preschoolers through using multiple intelligences (e.g., musical, logical-mathematical, naturalistic, spatial).

Here are some activities that can be used in the classroom.

1.      Add vocabulary words (e.g., Christopher Columbus, Columbus Day, Pinta, Nina, Santa Maria) accompanied with pictures.  Write the words in different languages.

2.      Use globe and/or wall map with yarn or string depicting voyage route to America.

3.      Gather different materials for children to work collaboratively in small groups to create classroom ship(s) for class trip.

4.      Research and discuss with students information on Columbus Day.

5.      Write Columbus Day poem on chart paper highlighting key words with different color markers – place picture next to words, if possible.

6.      Change housekeeping area into “Classroom Columbus Adventure Ship”.  Place or create with students items Columbus and crew had on the trip.

7.      Find or create song on Columbus Day then write on chart paper highlighting key terms in different colors with pictures, if possible.  Add creative movements for students to pantomime actions.

8.      Create a class book on Columbus Day where students ideas are transcribed by teacher and let draw accompany picture.  After book is completed, bind, and place in reading center.  Remember, to read the book to whole class for discussion on their content.

The overall goal with the above activities are to ensure students gain a better understanding of Columbus Day celebration.  Education is the key that not only to empower students but to share ideas with other educators.  Please share activities you have to bring a greater awareness to Columbus Day.  Knowledge is powerful.



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