Sunday, October 26, 2014

Article: Creating Print Rich Learning Centers

After reading the article "Creating Print Rich Learning Centers" by clicking the link, reflect on your thoughts and how you would implement listed ideas in your classroom.  As part of your reflection, cite which Standard(s) 1-5 and element(s) using NC Teaching Evaluation Process booklet and/or Resource Manual for Administrators and Principals Supervising and Evaluating Teachers of Young Children.  Also, relate to NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development to domain, goal and developmental indicator.

Here are some photos taken during observations that relate to “creating print rich” learning environment.  

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Teaching civic education with preschoolers: Election November 4

The framework for 21st century learning vision is for student success in the global economy.  One of the core subject themes is “civic literacy” for preschoolers to gain a higher academic level of comprehending, applying and discussing activities.  According to the 21st Century Partnership Milestones for Improving Learning and Education (MILE) guides the foundational keys for “civic literacy) are (a) being an informal citizen to participate effectively in government, (b) exercising the rights and obligations of citizenship at local, state, national and global lever, and (c) understanding the local and global implications of civic decisions.  

With the upcoming election (November 4) this is time to write, plan and implement lessons on civic literacy on voting.  Here are some developmentally culturally age appropriate activities for preschool age children.

1.      Research and discuss with children what VOTING is and the responsibility of being civic-minded.

2.      Select local and/or state candidates and tell children age appropriate info to think about who they want to vote for on Tuesday, November 4.

3.      Collect different materials/leaflets on candidates or create own and display throughout the classroom.

4.      Change the housekeeping center into a VOTING precinct so children get a better feel of environment where parents/guardians vote.

5.      On Tuesday, November 4 select children who must locate candidate’s names, give ballot (include photo and name) with pencil to check one VOTING for.

6.      Design box children will put ballot in and “I VOTED” sticker to wear.

7.      After all have voted, graph/chart results for children to see and discuss.

8.      Let children build VOTING precinct with blocks and add other accessories such as tape NC state outline on blocks, candidate’s names in multiple languages, and so forth.

The concept of “civic literacy” can be done throughout the academic school year.  Children can vote on name of classroom pet, favorite items and so forth.  As children start understanding their VOTE counts at preschool age it will be carried into adulthood. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Celebrating Columbus Day with Preschoolers

On Monday, October 13 the United States celebrates Columbus Day.  Educators of preschoolers are looking for developmentally cultural age appropriate activities to write on the lesson plan for the holiday week.  It is important to provide a wide range of activities to expose and challenge preschoolers through using multiple intelligences (e.g., musical, logical-mathematical, naturalistic, spatial).

Here are some activities that can be used in the classroom.

1.      Add vocabulary words (e.g., Christopher Columbus, Columbus Day, Pinta, Nina, Santa Maria) accompanied with pictures.  Write the words in different languages.

2.      Use globe and/or wall map with yarn or string depicting voyage route to America.

3.      Gather different materials for children to work collaboratively in small groups to create classroom ship(s) for class trip.

4.      Research and discuss with students information on Columbus Day.

5.      Write Columbus Day poem on chart paper highlighting key words with different color markers – place picture next to words, if possible.

6.      Change housekeeping area into “Classroom Columbus Adventure Ship”.  Place or create with students items Columbus and crew had on the trip.

7.      Find or create song on Columbus Day then write on chart paper highlighting key terms in different colors with pictures, if possible.  Add creative movements for students to pantomime actions.

8.      Create a class book on Columbus Day where students ideas are transcribed by teacher and let draw accompany picture.  After book is completed, bind, and place in reading center.  Remember, to read the book to whole class for discussion on their content.

The overall goal with the above activities are to ensure students gain a better understanding of Columbus Day celebration.  Education is the key that not only to empower students but to share ideas with other educators.  Please share activities you have to bring a greater awareness to Columbus Day.  Knowledge is powerful.



Ask Dr. BKW: Strategies for challenging behaviors of preschoolers

School has been in session appropriately five (5) weeks and students are adjusting to teachers, classmates, and building at-large toward a successful year.  Prior to the start of school teachers met with parents (guardians) to gain better insight of child’s behaviors.  Also, the teacher has written classroom rules with student’s input, shown them the proper way to use materials through role-playing, but still noticing some students are exhibiting challenging behaviors at a high level. 

Here are some points to consider when dealing with challenging behaviors.

1.      If the student is unable to articulate needs s/he may need to be assessed farther for early intervention specialist(s),

2.      Design of classroom (get on kneels to review arrangement from child’s eye level),

3.      Select assessment tool (e.g., time sampling, anecdotal notes) to record incidents of challenging behaviors acts (e.g., biting, hitting, name calling) to determine specific times, classmates interacting with, list hierarchy action plans and bring in specialist, as needed,

4.      Reinforce prosocial behaviors (e.g., sharing, taking turns) through role-plays and interceding when possible as solution to situations,

5.      Rotate culturally developmentally age appropriate materials,

6.      Plan transitions activities that will cut down wait time,

7.      Display cards of daily schedule to show children sequential order of activities,

8.      Give one or two directives at one given time,

9.      Use positive praise statements

10.  Encourage children to use Five Steps in Problem Solving (a) What is the problem, (b) What can I do? (c) What might happen if … (d) Choose an idea and use it and (e) Is it working?  If not, what can I do not?,

11.  Make eye contact on the child’s level using a stern verbal specify directive.  Have the child repeat the directive to ensure s/he has comprehended the directive,

12.  Relax techniques to calm down such as (a) Count to 10, (b) say the alphabet, (c) take 3 deep breaths, (d) redirect child to sand/water play and (e) pound play dough, clay, etc.,

13.  Periodically remind children of classroom rules and remember to (a) written in positive language, (b) accompany each rule with pictures and (c) have rules posted in centers and circle time,

14.  Use I-Messages.  An I-Message tells the child how you feel about his/her unacceptable behavior demonstrated.  An I-Message should include the following parts:  (a) the child’s behavior, (b) your feelings about the behavior, and (c) the effects of the behavior,

15.  Have signals for children to “Stop” (hand held up), “Think” (pointer finger pointing to head) and “Walk away” (pointer and middle fingers moving back and forth,

16.  Verbally say “Give Me Five.”  The children will stop where they are and (1) ears are open, (2) mouth is closed, (3) eyes on teacher, (4) hands in lap or side, and (5) feet on the floor.  The teacher will talk with the children about what actions were done and consequences,

17.  Set a timer and explain to the child when the timer goes off s/he must have completed the directive given.  Or, teacher will count to a set number for the child to complete the directive.  Then have the child explain to the teacher why action happened,

18.  Bailey (2000) has created the mnemonic process S-T-A-R to assist teachers maintain self-control.  S = smile  T = take a deep breath (inhale)  A = and  R = relax (exhale),

19.  Books can be read and discussed to reinforce appropriate classroom/school behavior such as (a) Just a Little Different by Gina and Mercer Mayer, (b) That Toad is Mine! By Barbara Shook Hazen, (c) Will I have a Friend? By Mirian Cohen, (d) Two Greedy Bears by Mirra Ginsburg, ( e) It wasn’t my Fault by Helen Lester and (f) When Sophie gets angry – really, really, angry by Molly Bang,

20.  Check out the Center on the Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) at , and

21.  Maintain a regular, predictable lesson schedule so children know what to expect.  If schedule is changing talk with children so they are aware.

The above strategies can be used to guide student’s behavior toward positive outcomes.  It is important to have an ongoing system which teachers help students learn to manage their impulses, expression of feelings, solve problems and learn what are acceptable or unacceptable behaviors to becoming productive citizens of society.  As you seek out best practices keep in mind to maintain highly-qualified culturally developmentally age appropriate practices. 


Bailey, B.  (2000). Conscious discipline:  Seven basic skills for brain smart classroom management.  Oriedo, FL:  Loving Guidance.

Center on the Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)