Tuesday, August 5, 2014

J-A-M Back-to-School 2014 Celebration

Now, the countdown time has started for planning J-A-M (Jesus and Me) back-to-school Christian based activities that will be spearheaded by the church Christian Education and Youth Ministries; in conjunction with opening the doors to the community at-large.  Proverbs 22:6 (KJV) tells us to “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it”.   Education is a key component for the youth to know that church members are supporting them toward being productive Christian citizens in our society.  And there is no better way than to have “J-A-M Back-to-School 2014 Celebration”. 

Here are some activities that your ministries may like to plan, implement and evaluation for the J-A-M Back-to-School 2014 celebration. 

1.      Set date/timeframe for the event whether it will daily, weekend or once for the celebration,

2.      Outline program specifics and person’s in-charge of various activities to ensure all aspects are covered.  Some activities after opening devotion are youth create video or commercial skit referencing J-A-M, youth dancers choreograph a dance and/or mime of J-A-M Back-to-School 2014 celebration, biblical scavenger hunt related to things found in the church, Bible jeopardy/Bible Who Wants to be a Millionaire (free templates can be located online), Biblical spelling bee, create Biblical obstacle course, overnight lock-in, and Christian movie night.  When you gather the youth remember to have a Christian icebreaker for new and old acquaintances such as icebreaker Bingo, Ten Commandment icebreaker or I am blessed icebreaker game just to name a few,

3.      Have ice cream social and/or light snacks to conclude J-A-M,

4.      Purchase back-to-school items (e.g., pencils, notebooks) that will be used as prizes and/or prepare back-to-school backpacks for children will need supplies to start the school year off ready to learn, and

5.      Invite a youth minister to conclude the J-A-M Back-to-School 2014 celebration sharing we as followers of Jesus must be disciplined to work hard to represent God every day in and out of school thinking “What would God do in this situation?” Remember all planned activities should be developmentally age appropriate for all to have a Godly time serving Him.  

The purpose is for the youth to walk away from J-A-M Back-to-School 2014 celebration having had a good time but growing in their relationship with God knowing “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13 KJV) for situations like, if being bullied - God is with you, struggling with personal or academic issues – God is with you no matter the situation look to Him for guidance.  J-A-M Back-to-School 2014 celebration is the kickoff but it is all our responsibilities to support the youth all school year to do and be the BEST God has created them for in using their skills and talents. 

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