Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Back-to-Bible-Study-Bash Celebrating God's Word

As the summer season is upon us many churches designated the month of July to suspend the weekly Bible study activities giving families time to travel and enjoy local, state, national or international attractions.  Before, the selected vacation month ends it will be time to plan an event to motivate current faithful attendees, new church members, and community people seeking knowledge of God’s WORD for their day-to-day life living for HIM.

The Christian Education ministry will spearhead the team in conjunction with those who facilitate Bible study classes (e.g., Tuesday noonday Bible study, Tuesday 18-40 Bible study, Wednesday Adult and Youth Bible study).  Therefore, the planning team members will plan the Back-to-Bible-Study Bash keeping in mind the purpose is to “study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15 – KJV).  Bible study assists one to know what God would approve.  As one continues to study the WORD having some knowledge of the Scriptures to mediate on and consider how to apply the WORD to one’s day-to-day life.

Helpful tips as the team start planning, implementing and evaluating for the next one. 

1.      Set date for the Back-to-Bible-Study Bash, 

2.      All facilitators must review, select curricula with needed materials, plan 5 minutes or less overview of fun-filled Spiritual activities that will be presented to peek participants curiosity and set up a give-a-way table on content to be taught,

3.      Two-weeks prior to the event date/time advertise so everyone gets excited about studying God’s WORD (e.g., church bulletin, local newspaper, radio announcement, create door hangers/flyers, post on social media – like Facebook, church website, hype person to announce each Sunday for personal invitation),

4.      Talk with culinary ministry to provide light refreshments at conclusion of Back-to-Bible-Study Bash,

5.      A week prior review the format and person’s responsible for tasks (e.g., devotion with leaders, facilitators input, pastor or associate minister comments on Bible Study starting back, closing by Christian Education ministry servant leader).  After dismissed, attendees will participated in repast and visit specific Bible Study event they will attend for more in-depth information the facilitator want done prior to official date, and 

6.      The planning team needs to meet no later than one week after the Back-to-Bible-Study Bash to evaluate what went well and changes to implement for next year.

From all this planning for the Back-to-Bible-Study Bash remember the key is assisting attendees to read, comprehend and implement day-to-day living in the WORD so others see Christ in them.  So when one is having valley moments and experiences look toward the Scriptures for the answer and continued humility when having mountain top experiences that God is with you throughout it all.  Yearning to hear God’s voice – read His word.  In need of life directions – read His word.  Longing to be loved – read His word.  Through reading His word it will reveal truths, direct your path, comfort and fulfill you.  Note the answers you seek, the intimacy you long for is all there.


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