In setting up the classroom for African American preschool age children (3 to 5 years old) with the mindset is a key component to lessen or eliminate challenging behaviors is where teachers want the classroom to build an overall cognitively engaging, warm, safe and acceptance of each individual personality as they enter the doors where the physical environment promotes self-learning and directed by the African American preschoolers where educators can have more quality one-on-one time with African American preschoolers throughout the day. The early childhood setting must serve as a mirror in which African American students see themselves for positive learning experiences.
Throughout the learning environment, display pictures/posters of
African American with names and noted descriptions to aligned areas when
possible. When the educators are in that area talk with African American
preschoolers and relate the picture/poster with African American preschoolers
to bring cultural pride in what has been accomplished and what you see them
doing as well. Here are some examples per center that can be displayed
with name and photo. Remember, when possible display pictures and
descriptions of what is seen in the African American communities for the preschooler
to make connections. If there are no examples here are some that can be
incorporated in the classroom and school building at-large where you can Google
picture and/or related pictures.
Block/Science Centers --Benjamin Banneker surveyed the original
borders of Washington, DC and invented a watch.
Science/Housekeeping Centers – Marie Van Brittan Brown, invented
home security system
Housekeeping/Writing Centers – Phillip B. Downing, invented
Writing Center – Phillis Wheatley, writing of poetry
Music Center – Robert F. Flemming, invented guitar
Housekeeping Center – John W. Reed, invented rolling pin
Housekeeping Center – Mary Greene, nurse
Outdoor - Steph Curry, NBA basketball player
Outdoor – Jackie Joyner Kersey – heptathlon 100-meter hurdles and
high jump
Outdoor – Simone Bile - gymnast
Housekeeping/Block Centers – May Jemison, astronaut
Circle time – Barack Obama, 44th President of the United
Science Center – Henry T. Sampson invented the cellular
phone. For more examples, go to List of African American inventors and
scientists at
Here are two other books that can be added to art center Lily
Brown’s Paintings by Angela Johnson and housekeeping center My Pop Pop and Me
by Irene Smalls. Also, here are pictures
to get you started of Phillis Wheatly, Benjamin Banneker, Phillip B. Downing
and Simone Bile. Knowledge is powerful!
The learning environment should be an extension of African
American preschoolers to feel they belong in this community of learners by
seeing people who look like themselves.
Displaying pictures and/or posters of past and current African Americans
related to specific areas and/or subject topics being discussed to continue
self-pride and self-worth of people who look like me. Educators must expand their knowledge of
African Americans from local, county, state, national and international display
and engage in conversation while embedding into daily facilitation of learning
Phillis Wheatley
B. Downing
Simone Biles