Thursday, November 8, 2018

It's Time to VOTE! Preschoolers at the VOTING polls

Election Day, the first Tuesday of the month of November.  Yes, on November 6, adult citizens have the right to cast their VOTE (registered) for persons running for local, state and national offices along with amendments.  Early childhood educators, this is the perfect time for a good civic lesson for preschoolers reiterating VOTING is a right from childhood experiences to adulthood.

On Dr. Williamson – Professional Learning Community for Educators closed Facebook page, I asked if anyone was doing or willing to incorporate activities related to Election Day.  Two former NC pre-k teachers, whom I served as their evaluator answered the call to embed specific activities for Election Day.

These teachers discussed with the children during large group time what is Election Day, voting, casting a ballot along with other content written on the K – (what do I know), W – (What do I want to know?) and L – (What did I learn?) on Election Day – Voting.

The specific voting topic reinforced culturally developmental age appropriate preschool behaviors (reinforce emotional social development on which candidate demonstrated how to act at school).  Candidate one used problem-solving skills (e.g., blow a balloon and slowly let out the air, count to 5 or 10 slowly, use good manners) and Candidate 2 used inappropriate behaviors (e.g., running around the room, throwing materials, interrupting while others are talking).  During large group time, teachers introduced the two candidates (finger puppets whom they named) and cited different situations related specifically to their classrooms.  Discussions were had throughout the day to reinforce behaviors related to each candidate. The candidates were Abbey Alligator, George Giraffe, Larry Lion and Zoe Zebra.

Also, it is important to include parent/family members in classroom lessons and activities.  A letter detailing Election Day – Voting topic and activities that their child would be exposed to for exposure on voting and process.  Added to the engagement each leading up to Election Day parents/family members had specific related questions to investigate with their child as part of Car Chat then record answers next day.  The teacher and children tallied and discussed results.

Here are some of the activities engaged in before voting for class appropriate behavior candidate.

Below is some information from the Parent Letter distributed for them know of specific center activities were taking place in conjunction with the State Standards at the end of each (NC Foundations).

Block Center:  Election Day pictures will be taped on some blocks to create representation of voting booth and/or poll. (ESD 2m, 5k, 5m, 5q).

Dramatic Play Center:  Use props to pretend to go to voting poll place.  Table VOTING placements will be used for meals and calendar highlighting ELECTION DAY.  (APL 2i, 2j. 5m,; CD 2t,3j, 5m, 5r, 5s).

Math Center:  Match number to number Election Day photos from numbers 1 to 10.  Also, Election Day results and Car Chats information to make charts showing results (CD 10j, 10n, 10m, 10, 10p, 10t, 10v, 11g, 11m).

Literacy/Writing Center:  Trace Word Wall words related to Election Day and write freehand.  Discuss local candidate’s signs seen in neighborhood and show voting poll places (APL 2l, 51,; ESL 5k, 5q,: LDC 1l, 1m, 20, 7p, 10o, 13d, 14d; CD 2t; HPD 5m).

Art:  Create campaign sign for candidates that can be displayed in hallway and/or classroom (ESD 2m; HPD 5k, 5l: CD 5m, 5r).

Due to not finding an Election Day song, I wrote one that is sung to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”.
Election Day is here again
In the voting booth we go
Candidate one, candidate two
We must pick one for the class
Election Day is here again
Now, it’s time for me to VOTE!

Children casted their votes for either Candidate One or Candidate Two.  After all ballots were cased they were counted to see who had the won with the most votes.  They placed a check or X mark next to the candidate voting for and teachers reiterated the process of one at a time in voting booth.  After ballot were casted and placed in Election box, then children put on clothes “I VOTED” sticker.  NOTE:  Each child had their parents fill out Election Day Registration Form.

For the conclusion of the Election Day, the children made their own Bagel Patriotic Trifle for snack. 

Remember to reinforce the concept of VOTING can be incorporated with a lot of daily activities such as name of class pet, snack foods, and outdoor large group activity.  Again, it is important to assist each child to understand the importance that their voices are heard through the power of the VOTE.

Special thanks go out to Gina Allen and Anjanette Washington who presented information to children’s, parent/family members and school at large on Election Day.  Knowledge is powerful!
