Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Getting organized from the get go for the start of school year!

A key to the start of any school year is to be organized.  Yes, organization will assist you in staying as an effective teacher with a system that works for you.  

Here are some ideas for effective organizational system what will help the classroom run smoothly.  Purchase a three-ring binder then place on desk or space for easy access with label dividers for each section with the following:

A.    Master class list of students, parent’s name – contact information (telephone, address, email address) and emergency contacts with phone numbers,
B.     List of colleagues and contact information (telephone number, email address),
C.     Students information sheet that was collected at the beginning of school year,
D.    Confidential list of health concerns (allergies, medication),
E.     Master copy of forms used throughout the school year (classroom volunteer, field trip permission slips, parent-teacher conference sign-up sheets), and
F.      Place a sheet protector per student to keep correspondences to and from home, phone call documentation, copies of emails with parents, summaries of conferences).

Being a part of the 21st century of technology one cannot share ways to include ways to maintain organizational systems.  Here are some ideas that you may want to include for organizational systems.

1.      Create a short video clip walking parents and students through what will been seen and activity centers.  You may want to include skills students will gain in different centers.
2.      Create a classroom website and/or Facebook page to post information throughout the school year.
3.      Conduct home visits prior to the start of the first day and have parents fill out questionnaire to give a better insight on students enrolled in the class.
4.      Set up a digital system to text and/or message of current events to keep them abreast.  One program to consider is

The binder content and other digital systems put in place will assist in being organized and not scrambling to locate information.  Remember the binder of information will assist co-teacher and substitutes as well ensuring a productive school year.  Organization is the key for successful school year!