Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pre-k Teachers Demonstrating Leadership for Standard One

It is important for new pre-k teachers to have an understanding of how to document artifacts for their state teacher license teaching portfolio to move from one level to the next one in professional growth.  The article will focus on Standard 1 teachers demonstrate leadership and element B – “teachers demonstrates leadership in the schools for North Carolina teachers.  There are four (4) different levels for teacher to document current status.  Below are documented ways teachers can move from “developing” to “distinguishing”.

1.      “Developing” – attends professional learning community (PLC).  You only attend the PLC and place the agenda in the teacher portfolio (Standard 1B – developing),

2.      “Proficient” - participates in PLC.  There are several different options to document participating in a PLC.  First, if you attend face-to-face meeting talk with the facilitator of different topics you would like to present on at upcoming meetings.  After date is set, place the agenda with your name, date and topic of presentation.  It is good to include any handouts distributed and/or power point slides used.  And second, if online such as blog ( ) or Face Book (Dr. Williamson – PLC closed group) take a snapshot of your posts and/or replies to different topics then place copy in teacher portfolio Standard 1 at proficient level,

3.      “Accomplished” – assumes a leadership role in PLC.  One can assume a leadership role in PLCs by securing presenters for face-to-face facilitators and/or set up listserv through email or use text system such as to members updated periodically. If the PLC is online create blog page ( and/or Face Book page to start posting topics, articles and so forth for people to respond to with their input.  Also let people know of the PLC to be active through attending and/or participating to make information and conversations more in-depth. Teacher can take a screenshot as evidence of setting up PLC and people are actively participating.  Provide documented evidence in teacher portfolio for Standard 1B as accomplished, and 

4.      “Distinguished” – collaborates with colleagues to improve the quality of learning in the school.  Set up face-to-face meeting with colleagues (age/grade) and if in child development center include all teaching staff and non-teaching staff to participate toward discussion on specific child concerns and resolution steps so all are implementing strategies and articulating same message, review upcoming study theme topics for input from whole school to have active role for implementation or discuss cultural development age appropriate techniques through discussing school policies, challenging behaviors and modifications as needed for all to understand and share as needed when asked.  Provide documented evidence in teacher portfolio for Standard 1B as distinguished.   

If you have questions or not quite sure how to set up your teacher portfolio review this YouTube clip “Setting up teacher portfolio according to NC teacher evaluation” at .  The goal has been to stimulate your thought process of what is currently being implemented for demonstrating leadership in the school moving you on the professional development continuum from “developing” to “distinguished”.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Early childhood educators' tips for classroom environment

The school year has brought successes and challenges ensuring a positive learning environment for each child enrolled.  It is important to share with colleagues’ techniques/strategies that have worked well for areas of leadership, learning environment, instructional content, assessment data and self-reflections.  Here are some tips that can be incorporated as or modified to your setting.

1.     1.   Use various means of technology to keep parents abreast to important dates and events happening in classroom and/or school.  Check out to give short text messages,
2.      2.  Create a class website to post pictures, work samples, dictations, and other helpful information.  Check out or,
3.      3.  Post next to the entrance door the “Question of the Day” that reference content discussed so parents can engage in conversation with child of what was learned.  This is also a great tool to record children’s conversation (dictation) the next day,
4.      4.  Select a student to be class reporter and use flip camera to decide what event(s) to verbally record the action.  Afterward, post direct quotes from class reporter,
5.      5.  Teach children different helpful words in sign language as another means of communication.  The child can sign a need while teacher is talking with another person,
6.      6.  Write caption of children’s end products and include skills, domain areas, and other information deemed needed to gain better understanding of what’s being viewed,
7.      7.  After discussion of study theme topic, let the children draw picture and give dictation.  Laminate the pages and compile into a book that is displayed in book/literacy center or another related center for content, and
8.      8.  Record topics of interest shared by children, then let them vote to determine upcoming study theme or align with another theme to enhance learning to higher levels of cognitive thinking.

As the school year continues other helpful tips will be shared to assist early childhood educators to implement best practices.  If you have helpful tips please share ensuring our children will become productive citizens of society.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Ways to Embed the Science of Superheroes

After reading the article, “Science of Superheroes" click link  reflect on your thoughts and how you would implement listed ideas in your classroom.  As part of your reflection, cite which Standard(s) 1-5 and element(s) using NC Teaching Evaluation Process booklet and/or Resource Manual for Administrators and Principals Supervising and Evaluating Teachers of Young Children.  Also, relate to NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development to domain, goal and developmental indicator.