Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Ask Dr. BKW: Should early childhood businesses meet with EC professors?

The spring semester has concluded and the question was posed should early childhood (EC) professors meet with businesses that hire graduates ensuring required skills are proficient to perform job duties?  Simply, the answer is “yes”, it is important that at least once an academic school year that the two (2) bodies meet to discuss needs from perspective employers ensuring that college coursework bring taught at the two- year and four-year institutions of higher education are covering information that can make real-life connections to why implement changes then share with parents of culturally developmentally age appropriate practices.  With both groups communicating the stability of workers in job market will last longer reducing high employee turnover rate. 

As the planning session starts, create a servlist of persons to invite, set a date, time and site convenient to participants, discuss the overall purpose, goals, rules/guidelines and other pertinent information to be successful.  For example, it may be discussed that students enrolled in early childhood programs at institutions of higher education need to have more practicum experiences and/or internships that correlate with information discussed in class with hands-on knowledge for future discussions.  From these experiences, the student can keep a journal recording activities, what worked well, changes to be implemented, and show a connectedness to theory and/or theorist in the field.

This summer a plan is set for people from both to meet in July either the 12th or 26th to start the conversation in Durham, North Carolina.  If you are in being at the roundtable discussion contact via email at drbrenwilliamson@gmail.com.  It is important to prepare early childhood professionals ensuring children are ready for successful productive citizens of society into adulthood.  Knowledge is powerful!

Ask Dr. BKW: Should higher education women of color start networking group>

Women of color employed in institutions of higher education can come together in a sisterhood to feel supported in their positions for the betterment of the chosen profession.  As you start planning the networking group, remember the women of color who will participate do not have to be employed only at your institution (including 2-year and 4-year colleges/universities).  It is important to come together knowing you are supported in a non-judgmental environment with comments being confidential.

Planning is the key for successful women of color networking group.  Here are some ideas to build the sisterhood of higher education women of color network group.

1.      Create a list with contact information of potential women of color to invite,

2.      Select date, time and site for the initial meeting,

3.      Create an e-vite invitation and send to prospective attendees from ones listed in number one (1).  As part of the invitation, it is suggested to ask them to share with persons they know who may want to become a part of the sisterhood network,

4.      Provide light refreshments for the event, if needed,

5.      At first meeting discuss purpose, goal, role of attendees, future meetings dates, times, sites and types of events (e.g., luncheon, spa day, book club, visit local attractions, attend state happenings), and

6.      Use various social media outlets to stay in touch until next face-to-face gathering (e.g., set up Face Book group page, set up blog page, text, Goggle hangout).

These are just some ways to begin the sisterhood relationship for women of color working in institutions of higher education.  Remember the gathering is a time to get reinvigorated to continue the high standards of professional women.